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Who is REMO?

REMO Advisory Committee

Mayor/Warden and a Councillor from each of the three municipalities (Town of Annapolis Royal, Town of Middleton and County of Annapolis)

REMO Planning Committee

CAO’s of the municipalities, Red Cross, Community Services, Annapolis Valley District Health Authority, Emergency Health Services, RCMP and Police Services, Greenwood Amateur Radio Club, Emergency Measures Organization (NS), Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal, Natural Resources, Ground Search & Rescue, Annapolis County Fire Services, Nova Scotia Power Incorporated, Public Works, Municipal Planning Departments, Regional Emergency Management Coordinator.

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The Municipality of the County of Annapolis, the Town of Annapolis Royal, and the Town of Middleton have entered into an
inter-municipal agreement with a purpose to provide comprehensive emergency services to the region, to render mutual aid
with respect to personnel and equipment during an emergency, and for joint provision of service and facilities by the parties hereto
in accordance with Section 60 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 10 of the Emergency Management Act.

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