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Staying in touch & Information sources during emergencies


Being able to communicate with family, friends and emergency responders during an emergency is critical.  However, keep in mind that everyday communication devices may not work properly during an emergency.

  • If possible, use non-voice channels like text messaging, email or social media, as these use less bandwidth than voice communications and may work even when phone service has been disrupted.
  • If you must use a phone, keep your conversation brief and convey only vital information.  Keeping calls short also saves the battery life of your mobile phone.
  • If you are unable to complete a call, wait ten seconds before redialing to help reduce network congestion.
  • Keep extra batteries or a charger for your mobile device in your emergency kit. Consider getting a solar-powered, crank, or vehicle phone charger, or if you do not have a cell phone, keep a prepaid phone card in your kit.
  • If you have been evacuated and have call-forwarding on your home phone, use it to forward calls to your cell phone.
  • If you do not have a hands-free device in your car, stop driving or pull over to the side of the road before texting, making a call or using the device.
  • Keep your contacts up to date on your phone, email and other channels.
  • Note, cordless phones rely on electricity and will not work during a power outage. If you have a landline, keep at least one corded phone in your home.

Additional tips for smartphones

  • Save your safe meeting location(s) on your phone's mapping application.
  • Conserve your battery by reducing the screen's brightness and closing apps you are not using.
  • To reduce network congestion immediately after an emergency, avoid using your mobile device to stream videos, download entertainment, or play video games.

Sign up for Direct Deposit and electronic banking through your financial institution so you can access your funds and make electronic payments from wherever you are. For more information on how to stay safe online, visit GetCyberSafe.ca.

Information Sources

Annapolis REMO will share important emergency information via:



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  • Nova Scotia 211- 211 Nova Scotia will post a list of comfort centres once they start opening during the time of a storm. For more information, visit http://ns.211.ca/emergency or call 2-1-1


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The Municipality of the County of Annapolis, the Town of Annapolis Royal, and the Town of Middleton have entered into an
inter-municipal agreement with a purpose to provide comprehensive emergency services to the region, to render mutual aid
with respect to personnel and equipment during an emergency, and for joint provision of service and facilities by the parties hereto
in accordance with Section 60 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 10 of the Emergency Management Act.

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