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News Release - NS DNRR: High Fire Risk - Don't Start the next Fire

Black background with text which says "HIGH FIRE RISK - Don't start the next wildfire"
May 2, 2024

Crews have responded to 27 wildfires so far this year. Weather is getting warmer and dryer, putting us at greater risk. Almost all wildfires in Nova Scotia are caused by people, so prevention is our first line of defence. And it’s everyone’s responsibility.
Check the map at 2 pm daily to see if burning is allowed in your county:
- Red means no burning because the risk for wildfire is too high.
- Yellow means you can burn after 7 pm Fires must be out by 8 am the following day.
- Green means you can burn after 2 pm Fires must be out by 8 am the following day.
check before you burn map colors
You also need to check your municipal bylaws – if they are stricter, they take precedence over provincial burn restrictions.

Burn restrictions apply to domestic open fire burning which includes: campfires, burn pits, brush burning, backyard fires and bonfires, backyard chiminea and similar appliances.
Burn restrictions do not apply where a fire is ignited in woods in any federal, provincial, municipal, or privately-operated campground, as long as the fire is enclosed in grills designed for that purpose.

Please – follow the daily burn restrictions, and don’t start the next wildfire.


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The Municipality of the County of Annapolis, the Town of Annapolis Royal, and the Town of Middleton have entered into an
inter-municipal agreement with a purpose to provide comprehensive emergency services to the region, to render mutual aid
with respect to personnel and equipment during an emergency, and for joint provision of service and facilities by the parties hereto
in accordance with Section 60 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 10 of the Emergency Management Act.

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