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News Release - Atlantic Hurricane Season starts June 1st - Get Prepared!

Atlantic Hurricane Season starts June 1st – Get Prepared!

For immediate release

The Annapolis Regional Emergency Management Organization (Annapolis REMO) is reminding everyone that June 1st marks the start of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which extends through November 30th. Last year, 20 named storms occurred, with 7 becoming hurricanes, 3 of which were major events. This year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts an “Above-Normal” hurricane season, forecasting 17-25 named storms, 8-13 of which may become hurricanes, with 4-7 potentially powering into major events with winds greater than 119 km/h.

Brian Orde, Annapolis REMO Coordinator, emphasizes the importance of preparedness, noting that it only takes one hurricane to cause a natural disaster. He references the impact of Hurricane Fiona in 2022, which resulted in tragic loss of life, massive tree falls, widespread power outages, and coastal flooding, culminating in damages exceeding $800 million.

"Annapolis REMO encourages citizens to prepare themselves, their families, and their neighbors who may need additional assistance. By acting now will make all the difference in the world," said Orde. "Don’t wait until a storm is approaching to start preparing, as it may be too late. Taking action means preparing your emergency plans, getting or updating your emergency kit(s), and staying informed."

Here’s how to get prepare:

  1. Stay Informed: Sign up for Annapolis REMO emergency alerts from Alertable to receive timely updates and information. Sign up @ Annapolisremo.ca to receive notifications to your landline, cell phone, text, MS Teams and many more options, like downloading the FREEAlertable app for iOSand Android smartphones and tablets (just visit your app store)
  2. Create an Emergency Kit: Include essentials such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and first-aid supplies.
  3. Develop a Family Plan: Discuss evacuation routes, meeting points, and communication strategies with your family.
  4. Secure Your Home: Ensure your home is storm-ready by checking for potential hazards and securing loose items.
  5. Stay Connected: Staying connected for hurricane preparedness ensures timely access to alerts, information, and resources, enabling informed decisions and effective communication with family and authorities.

People are also encouraged to subscribe to Annapolis REMO Emergency Email Notifications by visiting www.annapolisremo.ca . The setup is easy—just click on “REMO-Regional Emergency Management Organization,” add your name and email, and click the subscribe button.

Additional Hurricane information is available from Canada’s Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness at:  www.getprepared.gc.ca/cnt/hzd/hrcns-en.aspx , or follow @Annapolis_REMO on ‘X’ or AnnapolisREMO on Facebook.

For more information on preparing a Home Emergency Plan and learning how to prepare for all types of emergencies, visit www.GetPrepared.gc.ca    

Be Hurricane Ready! Stay Connected, Be Prepared, and Stay Safe!

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Annapolis REMO contact:

Brian Orde,

Annapolis REMO Coordinator

(902) 532-0258 (office)

(902) 955-1185 (cell)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Municipality of the County of Annapolis, the Town of Annapolis Royal, and the Town of Middleton have entered into an
inter-municipal agreement with a purpose to provide comprehensive emergency services to the region, to render mutual aid
with respect to personnel and equipment during an emergency, and for joint provision of service and facilities by the parties hereto
in accordance with Section 60 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 10 of the Emergency Management Act.

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