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FireSmart Your Home

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๐Ÿ”ฅ FireSmart Nova Scotia โ€“ Protect Your Home, Property & Community ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Wildfires are an increasing concern across Nova Scotia, and being proactive is the best way to reduce risk and keep your home, family, and community safe. A wildfire can spread rapidly, and wind-blown embers can travel up to two kilometers, sparking new fires far from the main blaze. The good news is that there are practical steps you can take to better protect your property.

FireSmart Nova Scotia is part of the national FireSmart Canada program, which is dedicated to helping communities across the country reduce wildfire risks. FireSmart Nova Scotia provides valuable information and simple actions that can make a big difference. Even small changes, like moving firewood away from your home or clearing leaves from gutters to help reduce fire hazards and slow the spread of wildfire.

How FireSmart Can Help:

โœ”๏ธ Identify potential fire risks around your home and property
โœ”๏ธ Learn easy, effective ways to reduce those risks
โœ”๏ธ Work with your neighbors to improve community wildfire safety
โœ”๏ธ Stay informed with expert wildfire prevention resources

By taking steps now, you can help protect your home, your community, and the land we all share. FireSmart is based on research and real-world experience, providing proven methods to reduce wildfire damage.

Now is the time to get prepared. Visit FireSmart Nova Scotia to learn more about how you can make your property more wildfire-resilient.

Small actions today can make a big difference tomorrow

FireSmart Property Assessment & Community Programs

Wildfires are a growing risk in Nova Scotia, but there are steps you can take to protect your home and community. Annapolis REMO, in partnership with FireSmart Nova Scotia, offers programs to help residents assess and reduce wildfire hazards on their properties.

FireSmart Property Assessment

Residents can request a free wildfire risk assessment for their property using FireSmart standards. This voluntary program provides homeowners with a detailed report outlining potential wildfire risks and practical recommendations to improve fire resilience.

A FireSmart assessment can help you:
โœ… Identify wildfire risks around your home and structures
โœ… Learn how to create a defensible space against advancing fires
โœ… Receive customized recommendations to reduce your propertyโ€™s fire risk

๐Ÿ“Œ Sign up today for your free FireSmart Property Assessment! 

If youโ€™re are interested in a home assessment, please contact your provincial FireSmart Liaison, Ken Cox.

FireSmart Neighbourhood Recognition Program

Protecting your home starts with protecting your community. The FireSmart Neighbourhood Recognition Program helps residents in wildfire-prone areas work together to reduce fire hazards and improve community safety. By participating in this program, neighbourhoods can take proactive steps to become FireSmart Recognized Communitiesโ€”making them more resilient in the face of wildfire threats.

How to Get Involved

๐Ÿ”น Work with local FireSmart representatives to assess wildfire risks in your neighbourhood
๐Ÿ”น Develop a community wildfire preparedness plan
๐Ÿ”น Take action to reduce wildfire hazards around homes and shared spaces

๐Ÿ“Œ Learn how your neighbourhood can become FireSmart Recognized today!
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Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

Each year, communities across Canada come together for Wildfire Community Preparedness Dayโ€”a day dedicated to wildfire awareness and risk reduction. Eligible groups can apply for a $500 grant to fund a local FireSmart activity, such as clearing debris, hosting a community cleanup, or improving emergency preparedness.

๐Ÿ“Œ Find out how to participate and apply for funding!

Taking action now can help protect your home, your neighbourhood, and your community from the growing threat of wildfires.

Learn more about FireSmart Nova Scotia and how you can get involved today! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿก

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